Thursday, August 21, 2014

Newton's Third law :)

Newton's third law of motion says "For every action there is equal and opposite reaction". This was one of the easiest law in physics (which is why I remember! :P). I somehow find its relevance in our lives too. For every action of yours there is an opposite reaction you receive. Don't seem to get it huh?

Okay, consider this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge videos that is doing the rounds on social media (one more post on social media eh?). While everyone is up for it and busy looking up what is ALS?and what the whole frenzy is about, there is a separate group of people sulking..oh well maybe not! 'Cos they are infuriated and aghast with the whole concept of downing oneself in a bucket of ice water. Why? Because people are wasting water! Damn!

Suddenly these natural resource conserving people have woken up from their deep slumber and started to rant about it all over. Having said that, I do not encourage wastage of water or any other resource for that matter either. But the point here is, the entire challenge was to raise awareness of  ALS and they have succeeded in it and how! Frankly, how many of us knew about Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)? 
Due to this entire challenge, apparently they were able to raise about $30+ million and counting.

It is for a good cause so let's not dilute the message and digress from the issue by talking about scarcity of water etc. Yes, I understand these are some of the pressing issues but let us not forget what the campaign has achieved. I believe it is a brilliant campaign and has been able to do just that, spread awareness about ALS! People don't seem to realize the very fact people are discussing, participating is due to the campaign else ALS would have been one of the rare diseases unheard of but found in medical books.

There is always a trade off so let's just embrace the idea and donate towards ALS.

So down that bucket of water but also turn off the taps when not being used and boycott shower and use the bucket to bathe every morning. That way, we would be showing sensitivity towards humanity and also saving our resources!
